Find your happy medium.

A Medium-Sized Endurance Running Coach

  • Husband, father, and pediatric oncologist by day. Overzealous, medium-aged endurance runner by earlier in the day. And now...certified running coach! Learn more about who I am and why I decided to become a running coach.

  • My training philosophy is simple. 80% of your running should be easy. 20% should not. There are a lot of factors that guide what you do with that 20%. Let's see if I can help you figure that out. And hopefully much more.

  • Dallas is a city that runs, and it is time people knew it. From safe communities to inspiring clubs to supportive services, learn more about some of what Dallas has to offer (coming soon).

  • Running seems like a simple hobby, until it is not. There is an overwhelming amount of content on training, cross-training, nutrition, I hope to provide some of the resources (coming soon) I have found most useful on my running journey.